Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Hawaiian Beach Party Premiere

There were more than just the sound of  waves lapping on Waikiki beach last night.  More than 10,000 people attended the premiere of the first episode of the final season of LOST. I’m surprised the producers held such a public screening.  With the lightening speed of social media I would bet money the details of the first episode are on Twitter today.  However, I believe no true LOST fan would dare search out any spoilers.  Why? Well, speaking as a LOST fan – I want to be thrilled by every second as it unfolds during its  appointed time slot on ABC, Tuesday’s at 10PM EST.

And for those LOST fans that haven’t yet discovered the “after LOST roundup”, do yourself a favor and check out Doc Jensen.  Each week he gives his interpretations, dissertations, and thoughts on the latest episode in his column TOTALLY LOST on

By the way did you notice the faces in the poster?  Seems as though there are several”losties’ returning this season.  Hmmmm…

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