Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

4 thoughts on “No More Music at MTV”

  1. While it makes sense, it makes me a bit sad. I had always hoped that there would be a return to at least some music video programming.

    I’m glad that they’re keeping the logo though, it’s a good one.

  2. It’s the end of an era. I remember rushing home to see them play the Thriller video for the first time. It revolutionized music videos! This makes me sort of sad. And no, MTV 2 is not a sufficient substitute.

  3. “For the past ten years the network has moved away from music to produce original programming that features real people.”

    Bit of a stretch there…the cast of Real World hardly qualifies as “Real People.” If video killed the radio star, looks like YouTube killed the video star.


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