Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

Maria Lokken, Romance Author

E-Reader Gift Guide from

If you can’t find me on location, in a studio, or supervising an edit session, the next place to look would be my cozy living room reading chair.  In truth, I don’t get to spend as much time in that chair as I would like – but I still manage to indulge my reading passion every chance I get.  I used to carry at least three books in my purse, along with the required lipstick, blush brush the size of a tree trunk, pens, scotch tape, Kleenex,  wallet,  chocolates, and anything else I might need should I find myself stranded on the subway.  But the weight of it all began to throw my back out of wack as though I’d been dancing at a disco revival hall all night long.  The only solution was an e-reader.  Hundreds of books, all in one place, with the ability to pick and choose if the current book I was reading wasn’t quite capturing my attention.

Amazon’s Kindle used to be the only game in town – now, we have choices, and with choices come questions. What to buy?  Each e-reader offers different options.  If you want to know what’s best for you then has the answers.  They’ve created an e-reader guide just in time for the holidays.

1 thought on “E-Reader Gift Guide from”

  1. Just keep in mind that you’re only renting the books on the Kindle. You can’t give them away. You can’t resell them. And Amazon can delete them any time they want. Oh they said they won’t but … well … they still can.

    I’m not paying $260 for something that locks me into a single vendor either. I’d consider an eBook reader as long as: it’s easy to use and I can get non-DRM books for it that I can keep forever, resell or give away.

    I don’t think that’s asking too much.


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